IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.4 /10 (6.7k)
Trailer: YouTube




Paul Donovan


Brian Downey, Eva Habermann, Tom Gallant, Michael McManus, Xenia Seeberg
Die Besatzung des Raumschiffs Lexx ist, nachdem sie dem Griff "Seines Schattens" entkommen ist, auf der Suche nach einer neuen Heimat.

Hailed as "the most imaginative Sci-Fi since The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (New York Daily News), Lexx follows the nomadic existence of four misfit characters who have inadvertently stolen the most powerful weapon of destruction ever made: a Manhattan-sized, genetically-modified insect-ship. In its debut season, the Lexx's quirky crew-former security guard, Captain Stanley Tweedle; the luscious love slave Zev; the dead-but-deadly assassin Kai; and the robot head 790.
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    Lexx (1997)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 20.04.2018 - Lexx.S01E01.Rebellen.der.Galaxis.German.FS.DVDRip.XviD.iNTERNAL-CRiSP

    Summary & Details

    Die Besatzung des Raumschiffs Lexx ist, nachdem sie dem Griff "Seines Schattens" entkommen ist, auf der Suche nach einer neuen Heimat.

    Hailed as "the most imaginative Sci-Fi since The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (New York Daily News), Lexx follows the nomadic existence of four misfit characters who have inadvertently stolen the most powerful weapon of destruction ever made: a Manhattan-sized, genetically-modified insect-ship. In its debut season, the Lexx's quirky crew-former security guard, Captain Stanley Tweedle; the luscious love slave Zev; the dead-but-deadly assassin Kai; and the robot head 790.

    Also Known As:



    ~60 Min.

    Video Stream:


    Audio Stream:



    Jeffrey Hirschfield, Paul Donovan, Lex Gigeroff, Paul Donovan

